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"Awareness does not fight; awareness releases."

Michael Alan Singer

Inner Focus gives way to outward expansion

Our state of being is reflected in the life we are living. 

At any given time, our 'state' is determined by our current physiology, psychology, and the language we use to describe them.

Therefore, how we move and breathe, what we focus on, and how we talk about it, ultimately dictates our emotions, our behavior, and in turn, our life experiences.


By altering our state, we have the ability to alter our emotions.

Increasing our emotional awareness offers insight into the repetitive patterns that keep us stagnant and unhappy.

With an understanding for how and why we stay stuck, we immediately gain more freedom in the opportunity to release it.

The clarity this freedom offers, allows us to access a power to make our state a choice in any given moment. When your current state becomes a choice, you can adjust accordingly no matter the situation.

With practice, maintaining an optimal state becomes a well acquired skill, one that no circumstance can take away from you.



-emotional intelligence

   finding freedom in what you feel

-energetic alignment

  being who you crave, getting what you crave

-mental clarity

  confidence in choosing

at any time you are capable of guiding more joy, abundance, confidence, and love into your life experience.

 Contact for a free 30 min consultation. 

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